Jumat, 20 Mei 2011


How to express Suggestions ? Read below :

Asking Suggestion
Giving Suggestion
Do you have any suggestion for me?
You'd better....
Will you give me some suggestion, please?
You could (might)....
Shall I come back later
I suggest that you....
Any idea?
I recommend that you
Where do you think I can get something nice?
You really should....
Can you tell me what happened?
I strongly advise you to....
Please tell me what should I do?
My advice is to be careful in doing business with them.

Accepting Suggestion
Rejecting Suggestion
That's a good/nice/wonderful idea.
I don't think so.
Yeah, sure.
I tried that, but it didn't work.
Thank you. I'll try that.
Thanks, but that won't help because....
Why didn't I think of that?
I don't want to do that because....
I think you're right.
That's a good idea, but....
That's sounds good.
I'm afraid I can't do that.
Sure. I'll do that.
I think it can't solve my problem.

Senin, 17 Mei 2010


Melani is not feeling well. She needs a doctor.
She goes to the clinic with her mother.
Melani : " Mom, please take me to the clinic."
( In The Clinic )
Melani : " Excuse me sister, is the doctor in ?"
Sister 1 : " Yes, the doctor is in."
" This is your number. Please hold it and wait."
Sister 2 : " Please come here. Let me check your weight."
" Now stand here. I must note down your height too."
Sister 3 : " Number 7, Mamu !"
Melani : " Good morning doctor."
Doctor : " Good morning girl. What's wrong ?"
Melani : " I have sour throat and fever."
Doctor : " Lay down here. Let me examine first."
" Alright nothing serious. I am giving medicines.
" You will be better soon."
Melani : " Please explan me how to take these medicines."
Doctor : " Yes, this is a syrup for your sour throat. Take it thrice a day."
" This are the pouches. Powdered medicine is inside. this is for your running nose."
Melani : " How to take this ?"
Doctor : " Take it twice with honey."
" This is a small tablet. Can you take a table ?
Melani : " Yes I can."
Doctor : " Take it just once in a day."
"Remember girl. Take your medicines after food."
Melani : : Alright, doctor. Thank you very much."

Questions :
1. Did you ever visit a doctor ?
2. What was wrong with you ?
3. What medicines he doctor gave you ?
4. Can you take a tablet ?

Task : Tell something about your experience.

( Preeta Vyas )

Minggu, 16 Mei 2010


Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing yang konon sebagai bahasa Internasional begitu menjadi bahasa utama, bahasa ngetrend, bahasa keren, bahasa hebat, bahasa dunia global, bahasa komunikatif tanpa pandang ras-suku-agama-negara, bahasa ilmuwan, bahasa guide, wislah pokoke macem-macem. Akhirnya orang-orang pada takut dengan bahasa inggris, was-was, khawatir, gimana nih, kepriben kiye, mumet..., angel...,pusing...!

Jangankan anda, saya yang guru bahasa inggris saja kadang-kadang grogi...malu kalo ditanya kata atau istlah inggris saya ga bisa jawab. Kenapa ? Karena tidak dibiasakan berbicara bahasa inggris.

Okelah kita akui bahasa inggris itu bahasa Internasional ( takdir kali ) kenapa kok bukan bahasa Indonesia atau bahasa Arab gitu loch ?

Siapa takut, ayo kita hadapi semampu kita, kita ngomong cas-cis-cus ga usah takut salah yang penting nyambung...ya kan...?

Terus gimana cara belajarnya ? Biar cas-cis-cus ?
Bahasa itu kebiasaan, habit, komunikasi. Jadi harus dibiasakan sejak lahir, sejak kecil dari yang terkecil sampai kalimat yang terpanjang.

Walaupun kita sudah tua, ya belajarnya dari yang kecil juga.
1. Dari kosa-kata
Anak kecil bilang : " Mom...mother...Dad...father...hello...go...! No...!Yes...!
Apa saja benda-benda disekitar kita sebut ucap dengan bahasa inggris.
Lalu coba ditulis apa yang kita ucapkan !

2. Dari Ungkapan
Oh no....! Oh my God Allah...! What...?!
I'm hungry Mom.
Ucapkan ungkapan-ungkapan apa saja yang ingin kita ucapkan.
Lalu coba ditulis apa yang kita ucapkan.

3. Dari Tanya Jawab ( Conversation )
What's your name ?
Where do you live ?
Silahkan tanya dan tanya dengan bahasa inggris.
Bila kita ditanya jawab dan jawab dengan bahasa inggris.
Lalu coba tulis percakapan itu tadi.

4. Baru kita curahkan apa yang ingin kita ungkapkan, yang ingin kita ucapkan dengan bahasa tulis ( writing ). Apakah kita akan bercerita, mengkritik, menjelaskan, memaparkan, mendebat dll. Dari kata menjadi kalimat. Dari kalimat-kalimat akan menjadi paragraph. Dari paragraph-paragraph akan menjadi sebuah tulisan.

Untuk mengembangkan bahasa ini, kita bisa les, tanya guru bahasa inggris, baca-baca buku bahasa inggris, belajar dengan teman.

Saya juga merasa belum lancar berbahasa inggris. Bahasa Inggris tidak menakutkan, tapi mengasyikkan.
Anak kita, adik kita, teman kita, siswa kita, kita sapa dengan bahasa inggris.
Kita ajari dari yang terkecil. ( Khafidin Guru SMAN 1 Pemalang )

Jumat, 07 Mei 2010


My name is Mr. Khafidin.
I'm from Tegal.
I live in Banjaragung village.
I'm an English Teacher from SMAN 1 Pemalang.
My hobby is reading.
I have a wife. She is a house wife
I have two sons.
The first son is Naufal Mumtaz.
( He is The sixth class of SD Banjaragung 03 )
The second son is nabil Hasbuna.
( He is the first class of SD Banjaragung 03 )
I have 2 brothers and 3 sisters.
I like going to mosque.
I like playing with children.
I have 240 students of TPQ Al-Ikhlas.
I am a headmaster of TPQ Al-Ikhlas.
Sometimes I teach English for children in my village.